Joseph SHYAKA MAZIMPAKA was born on November 05,1989 in ZAIRE (D.R.C), 1995 He came in Rwanda with his family (Parents and Springs), He lived in Rwanda since that time until now. He has been married to Nadine TEBUKA since October,08 2016. Together they are blessed with two Daughter, AVISHA and ATHALIA respectively.
He was born in large family of 10 springs from one Mother and one Father. He is 5th born among 10 and 3rd among Brothers.
Joseph was born and raised in Christian Family and His Dad was a Pastor. His Parents taught them (Joseph and His springs) the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to read the Bible even how to pray and Sing for the Lord, at his young age His father taught him how to read and study and memorized some Bible sections. His father is the one who introduced the Gospel to Him and Discipling Joseph at His teenage. During that period Joseph decide to follow Jesus as his person savior and got baptized April 20, 2002, as he grownup, He kept on reading his Bible that His Father brought for Him and sharing with his classmate at weekly bases what he studied. As he continues reading and studying his Bible, He continue to grow little but little in the True of the Gospel and in the word of God even in passion of sharing what he was reading with others and to those who don’t know Jesus the Savior, as he grownup the passion of sharing The Gospel with others grows too.
2009 when He was in Kenya, Nairobi he did a training called Kairos course (3rd edition) which helped him to see the purpose and plan of God to all Nations and languages. November 2011, he came back in Rwanda, and kept on sharing the Gospel with unbelievers and Teaching youths at Christian settings. He continue attendings many conferences and trainings until 2014 when he came to know that the Lord is calling him to reach Senegal with the Gospel through Bible readings and studying and intense prayer that gave him sleepless nights seeking the Lord for his direction until he knew that the Lord need him in Senegal. 2015 he did a missional training called “Perspectives on world Christian movement” which helped him to know how really the Lord is really calling him to reach unreached Nations especially Muslims Nations. 2015 he attended Africa College of Theology (ACT) as he shared his vision of becoming a frontier missionary and seeking how God will open the door for it.
Years after he did another Training which concern with Islam called “It gave Him to know Islam more than before. In 2018 and 2020 He did Bible training course in Rwanda. The program is called “Preach The Word” (PTW) by now called Word Increasing Ministry (WIM).
Joseph worked as Mission Mobilizer under LIWOMI Ministry since 2015 where he did Mission awareness conferences and mobilizing Church of Rwanda to do Kairos courses and perspectives on world Christian movement , and Discipling people in Person way even in discipleship small group and doing outreach to the unbelievers.
2019 he went to the Mission exposure for two months in order to reach the Jahanka people group of Senegal.
The Jahanka are people group of Senegal. They live in Kedougou region of Senegal. These people still unreached and engaged with the Gospel of Jesus- Christ. This Community of approximately 60,000 practices Islam and they are 100% Muslims. There is no an Indigenous church yet in this community.
Since 2019 July Joseph and his wife took time in prayer asking God to lead them in order to do well the ministry of reaching the unreached nations especially Jahanka people group of Senegal. They came to be convinced that before reaching Jahanka for long time they must go the Mission School called Angaza in Kenya, Nyeri county in order to be well prepared for God’s work. This program is for one year and It has a part of Mission field.